Weekend Recap: Argentina Bakery
This past weekend I finally got to go try out Argentina Bakery, a small family-own bakery and coffee shop located in Irving, TX. Cakes, pastries, pies coffee, and empanadas are served at this family-run Argentinian bakery. I've always been curious what was inside of this small shop and I am glad I finally got a chance to taste their stuff. When you walk in the first thing you are greeted by is the display windows of all their cakes, pastries, bake good all looking so fresh – you just want to eat all of the fresh fruits that are sitting on top of the cakes. Than you see all the fresh empanadas selections they have towards the front. I got to taste their beef and egg empanadas as well as their ham & cheese and I will say so yummy. For coffee, I ended up trying the Carmel latte, but next time I will try their most popular coffee called the "Mayan Mocha".
Happy that I found a new small bakery shop to grab some one of a kind cakes, empanadas, and coffee that I adore. Check them out online and see the rave reviews they been getting. Here are a few snapshots. Enjoy.
Barista making my caramel latte.
So delicious to look at. Next time I will be ordering my cakes from here.
Fresh selection of empanadas.
A new found coffee house added to my list. Happy Monday! - xo Mel